
About Us & Our Pre Employment Screening

Vetting Solutions offer fast, accurate and affordable pre-employment screening and after care services.

Through our innovative and interactive web based processes, we are able to offer a managed integrated solution proven to minimise the burden on your resources, improve the turnaround of applications and reduce costs. We have the knowledge and operational experience required to deliver a proportionate and compliant response for your future vetting, due diligence and background checks.

We have simplified the pre employment screening process, making it ideal for organisations of all sizes within the both the public and private sectors. If you are a business that is new to background screening, have a specific requirement, are looking to review or change an established outsourced service or simply seek to improve your current in-house screening, we are here to help and want to work with you. We offer a fully managed service or if preferred, can integrate with your existing human resource processes.

Vetting Solutions’ market leading systems encompass specialist capabilities.

Our application developers are process specialists and our screening experts are sourced from HM Government and Private Sector dedicated screening roles.

Our Ethical Policy

Vetting Solutions is committed to maintaining the highest possible standards and levels of service at all times. As part of this undertaking, every member of the organisation is made aware of the importance of sound ethical practice and is required to read and sign a corporate commitment to this effect.

This includes meticulous confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements:
  • comply with all applicable laws, both domestic and international;
  • wholly respect any request for confidentiality, in so much this does not conflict with the above statement;
  • avoid any conflict of interest in connection with our duties;
  • provide accurate, realistic, honest recommendations and advice in connection with our duties;
  • constantly strive to adhere to “Current Best Practice” in the light of any applicable new legislation or guidelines; and
  • always strive to provide the best possible service to our clients and abide by the policies, objectives and guidelines of the Vetting Solutions organisation.